Cara Operations Ltd.
Development opportunity study for 7,000 sq.ft. multi-tenant food services and retail facility, 3rd level, Vancouver International Airport.
Imbrook Properties Ltd.
Development opportunity study for 20 acre Sea Island Business Park located adjacent to Vancouver International Airport.
Land and Water B.C.
Analysis of market potential for aviation and industrial uses as Qualicum Beach Airport.
Pacific Western Airlines
Market and financial analyses to assess the potential to develop a 100,000 sq.ft. office tower adjacent to Vancouver International Airport (Lysander Lane, adjacent to Delta Airport Hotel).
Pitt Meadows Airport Society
Marketing strategy for aviation and non-aviation land uses (agriculture, industrial, business park, office, residential, marina, hotel and retail) at the Pitt Meadows Airport.
Vancouver Airport Authority
Highest and best use study for 750 acres of land at YVR. Market, financial and land valuation analyses completed for aviation and non-aviation, i.e., business park, industrial, retail, hotel, entertainment, marina and golf course uses.