District of Campbell River:
Business plan to acquire the Middlepoint Marine Terminal from Transport Canada.
District of Port Hardy:
Business plan for Seagate Wharf.
Market survey to assess potential for deep sea terminal and industrial park.
District of Powell River:
Business plan to acquire a tanker wharf and barge loading terminal from Transport Canada.
Fraser River Estuary Management Program:
Analysis of the need for industrial land for water oriented industrial users on the Fraser River, Lower Mainland.
Fraser River Port Authority:
- Financial analyses of alternate development strategies accommodating a 400,000 sq.ft. warehouse on a 25 acre site on the Port's South Fraser Lands (leasing vs. joint venture development options).
- Financial model to assist in formulation of joint venture agreement with Taiwanese investor developing 450 acres of the port's Fraser Richmond lands, southeast Richmond.
- Development opportunity study (including detailed financial analyses and land valuation) for 650 acre port terminal and industrial development, southeast Richmond.
- Land use and development strategy study plus port financial computer model to evaluate the optimum use and management of all lands owned and administered by the Commission.
North Fraser Port Authority:
- Financial analyses and development strategy analyses for the acquisition and development of a marine trans-shipment terminal at the 40 acre Eburne Saw Mill site in south Vancouver.
- Feasibility study for 330 berth marina in Marpole Basin area of North Arm of Fraser River.
- Financial analyses of 20 acre industrial development, Number 6 Road and River Road, Richmond.
- Land use and property development program for Port North Fraser's surplus, unused or under-utilized lands lands.
- Corporate financial planning model.
North Fraser Terminals Inc:
- Business Plan for 45 acre waterfront site, Fraser River Marpole Basin, Vancouver.
Town of Sidney:
Business plan to acquire the Anacortes Ferry Terminal site from Transport Canada.
Vancouver Port Authority:
- Preparation of Port 2010 Land Use Plan and Land Management Program, setting forth the Port's policies and development programs to the year 2010.
- Market and financial analyses to assess the implications of acquiring the 100 acre Fullerton Fill site for upland industrial and business park uses plus a waterfront general cargo or specialty commodity terminal (potential joint venture development with BC Rail).
- Preparation of proposal call for use of Pod #3, Roberts Bank, Delta.
- Financial analysis of the potential to acquire the Versatile Shipyard site for redevelopment to mixed use urban (residential, office and retail) and marine industrial uses.
- Financial analyses of alternate strategies for the sale of Maplewood lands to United Properties.
- Market study to assess potential for port related land uses on the Maplewood Lands, District of North Vancouver.
For the Township of Esquimalt, Harbours and Ports Directorate (Transport Canada) and the B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Highways:
Analysis of alternate means of organizing and managing Victoria and Esquimalt Harbours.
Roundtable on Transportation through the greater Vancouver Gateway:
Data collection and interviews used in the preparation of a background digest to be discussed by federal and provincial governments, ports, Canadian railway and trucking industries, Western Canadian resource companies, port terminal operators and general cargo and container shippers at a conference called to determine how to enhance the competitiveness of the Vancouver "Gateway".