Mulholland & Parker provides financial and property valuation analyses for existing and proposed real estate projects.

A library of investment analysis and valuation software designed by the firm and based on accepted real estate industry formats and methodologies allows Mulholland & Parker to provide quick and comprehensive financial analyses for a wide range of land uses including:

  • Commercial, including retail and office, strip commercial, shopping centre, entertainment, restaurant
  • Commercial recreation
  • Golf course
  • Hotel and motel
  • Industrial, including industrial parks, multi-tenant light industrial development, mini-storage, marine and port terminals
  • Marina
  • Parking
  • Residential, including single family, townhouse, low rise, high rise, congregate care, rental vs. strata, heritage, affordable housing
  • Resorts
  • RV Parks
  • Mixed use development
The firm's financial and valuation analyses allow Mulholland & Parker to assist in project planning, determine project viability, propose "optimal" development plans and strategies and assess the economic impact of proposed developments. These financial analyses are also integral to the P-3 analyses undertaken by the firm.

Mulholland & Parker specializes in assessing the viability of large, mixed use and phased developments such as the Songhees lands in Victoria Harbour; International Village in Vancouver's False Creek and the Edmonds Town Centre, Burnaby, B.C.

Financial planning analyses can assist clients with:

  • Highest and best use determination
  • Determining land value or viability of individual or combinations of development parcels
  • Identifying equity and financing requirements
  • Estimating the value of a site under alternate development proposals
The firm's financial analyses have also been used to assist clients to compare the financial merits to developers and communities of neo-traditional and more environmentally sensitive development compared to more conventional forms of community development.